5 Thoughts: A ray of hope and then a swift kick in the shins (but it's not over)
When the 2021 Minnesota Twins take step forward, there is without a fail a step backward that awaits them. More on Sanó, the incredibly thin outfield, and why I don't think it's over for the Twins.
Twins fans, if you’d like to feel happy, read the first part of this column. If you’d like to feel frustrated to the point of sadness, skim Thoughts 3 and 4. If you’d like to know my stance on the Minnesota Twins in 2021, skip to No. 5. If you want the whole rollercoaster, well, you’re in the right place.
This column presents 5 thoughts on the week that was for the Twins.
1 - Did Sanó just have a moment?
I can’t remember exactly how long, but for a while now I’ve been watching Twins games with the express purpose of uncovering that “moment.” What’s going to be that one stroke of luck, or one hard-hit ball that finds a corner, a sign or something – anything, really – that will lead to a win, a winning streak, and a climb out of the mud-filled hole. Maybe 10 days or two weeks this has gone on. And still, the losses piled up and moments fizzled from possible Moment to footnote.
Miguel Sanó’s home run Saturday to win the game in a crucial moment is as close as we’ve come to unearthing tha…